School Archive

Our School’s History

In 2019, the school was presented with former headteacher Gill Llewellyn’s collection of newspaper articles from her time at the school. This was a fascinating start to my journey of discovery of the school’s past via the log books in our possession and the assortment of photographs and other mementos boxed up over the years. It has now expanded to newspaper articles from The British Newspaper Archive and various other sources for earlier information.

The log books have been very revealing and I have enjoyed viewing the school through the ages. To begin with, the log books provided a formal and quite mundane record, with a gradual move to a more interesting school-life after the Second World War. An informality in the style of recording became more pronounced from the 1970s. They were dutifully kept by successive headteachers until 2012 and a summary may be found below.

I would like to express my gratitude to Jayne Smith, Ros Liddiard and Margaret Turner who, together with their friends, relatives and other village residents, spent many hours poring over photos to put names to faces and to provide dates and additional information. Without their help, the people portrayed in our collection of photos spanning from about 1980 to 2000 would have remained anonymous.

Researching the school’s history has been immensely rewarding and, as I leave after nineteen happy years to commence my retirement, I look forward to seeing the school continue to thrive and grow.

Archivist: Mrs Hilary Brooks

September 2022


Our archive is continually evolving - if you have any photographs or documents you think may be of interest to the school, do please get in touch by email to the school office at:

1873 – 1930

Alfred Bell became ‘Lord of the Manor’ in the mid-1800s and the family paid for a number of village improvements, including renovation of the church and the building of the schoolhouse. And so South Marston School opened to the children of the village and surrounding farms in 1873.

A long article was published in the North Wilts Herald on Saturday 28 June 1873, the full text being shared separately. The piece gives extensive particulars of the building, inside and out, and provides details of the celebrations.

Three days of festivities began on Wednesday 25th June 1873 with a luncheon at Mr Bell’s residence for local clergy and other dignitaries. After luncheon, the party proceeded to the church, where there were numerous speeches to a large congregation. All comers were then received onto the lawns for tea at the Manor.

The following day, a treat was given to the children attending the Day and Sunday schools, and on Friday the parents of the children were entertained.

The Swindon Advertiser ran an article about the Friday tea for parents of the children reporting that “65 sat down to a capital tea, provided for them in the school room. The tables were well supplied with tea, bread-and-butter, pots of jam, marmalade, potted meats, chicken and tongue &c &c, which seemed to be most heartily enjoyed.

After tea, all retired to the the adjoining field, whilst the room was arranged for the evening's entertainment, and witnessed a balloon ascent.” [This being a balloon with a label requesting the finder return a note advising the location and date it was found.] The evening’s entertainment consisted of a musical programme, speeches and readings.

Most people will know the name of Alfred Williams (1877-1930), “The Hammerman Poet”, who was born in South Marston and lived here most of his life. His writings include references to South Marston School, where he attended full time until the age of eight and then as a “half-timer” until the age of eleven. His schooling took place at a time when education was not free, so money had to be found each week to send children to school. Miss Deacon, the school mistress, provided a simple and limited education.

The first school logbook we have is from 1903, and is stored in the Wiltshire Archives; no previous logbook has been found. By this time, Annie Cross was the headmistress, and she was to remain in position until 1932. She was assisted by two supplementary staff. Between them, they taught the 77 children on roll. Conditions in the two rooms must have been very cramped!

Many of the supplementary/untrained teachers changed regularly, as did the number of children on roll. There were 97 children attending in 1910 when a Diocesan inspector noted “I have again nothing but praise for this charming little school. The brightness and cheerfulness of the children and the feeling of affection between them and their teachers were most marked...”

The logbook was very scant in detail in those days but the regular weekly scripture classes by the vicar were always recorded and there were many references to the health of the children. Attendance was sometimes severely depleted owing to outbreaks of influenza, whooping cough, chickenpox and other childhood diseases. Some entries record children with “dirty heads” and parents summoned for “neglect of their children. They are at school today very dirty and badly shod”. Two poor children were examined by a doctor to “ascertain reason of mental deficiency” and a dentist called from time to time to check the children’s teeth and to extract them when necessary.

This was clearly a school in a rural community. Each spring, gardening instruction commenced for the boys on the school plot. There were periods when lads were employed by farmers for harvesting and general labour, and the summer break was taken from June until August, probably to fit with the busiest months on local farms.

The logbook records times when “many scholars have left and new ones been admitted owing to change in labourers by the farmers”. Alfred Williams became a half-timer, no doubt like many others, to work for a local farmer. The logbook also reports parts of the village and fields flooding from time to time, affecting attendance.

It is strange that the 1914-1918 war did not feature at all in the school logbook until it was first alluded to in November 1917, when 4½ bushels of acorns (about the yield of half a large tree) were gathered by the children and sent to the munition works. In December 1917, 4½ cwt of chestnuts (approximately 225 kg) were sent to the munitions works.

The pressures of war became more evident when, in March 1918, the vicar visited to discuss the rationing of coal to the school. Later the same year, the children were employed in regular blackberry picking with the fruit going to the Central Agency. Sadly, the logbook notes that many students were absent due to influenza in October 1918, when the school was closed for a month by order of Dr Crossley. Cases continued to be recorded until February 1919. There were 65 children on roll in December 1918 and an inspection five months later noted that the head teacher had been without teaching help for the 49 older scholars since then. Difficult times!

The school continued much as before in the 1920s and 1930s. The school building remained unchanged, except for occasional redecoration. And the children’s learning continued as usual, with a few special events added to the records - one outing in 1924 when fifteen of the oldest scholars were taken to Wembley for the British Empire Exhibition, a whole-school trip to Weston-Super-Mare in 1930, and the advent of area sports competitions.

1930 – 1960

After over 30 years as head mistress, Annie Cross retired as headteacher in December 1932. However, her name appears a few more times in the logbook as a manager. It seems fitting that she continued to oversee her life’s work. Edna Whaley became head in January 1933 but she was soon replaced by a temporary headteacher and Gladys Baker took on the headship in June 1934.

The 1930s began quietly. 3 new stoves were fitted and the outside lavatories rebuilt. The school was redecorated regularly but improvements in general remained insignificant. Early on, school milk was introduced. The number on books gradually declined from 68 at the start of the decade to 41 when, in 1937, the school saw a big change: “School reopened today after the Christmas vacation as a Junior Mixed and Infants’ School. It was reorganised, as of Jan 1st. The senior scholars have been transferred to the new senior school at Upper Stratton, opened this morning. There are now 26 children on the books, and there is no change in the staff.”

Gladys Baker was unwell in 1938 and a supply teacher was employed. Upon her return, she records “I much regret to report that on my return I have found things in a state of unbelievable disorder. The children have been allowed to get completely out of control and have damaged property both inside and outside the building. The work of the children has in most cases deteriorated considerably.”

Things were rapidly put back in order because a report shortly after by His Majesty’s Inspector concludes “The children are happy and well-behaved, they are interested in their lessons and show initiative and self-reliance…” Numbers were very low at 21 by this time, which was causing concern, but that was soon to change.

The following are the logbook extracts from the start of World War II:

1 Sep 1939

“When school assembled this morning, the children were dismissed until further notice. This was in accordance with instructions received from Headquarters, owing to the country being in a state of National Emergency.”

13 Sep 1939

“School reopened this morning. During the closure 44 children from Barking, Essex have been billeted in the village. These children have been evacuated owing to War having been declared with Germany. The Village Hall is at present being used as a school for these evacuees, who with three teachers commenced work there this morning.”

26 Sep 1939

“Mr CC Parmee (HMI) and Mr HH Waterman (Director’s assistant) visited the school and the Village Hall to confer with teachers as to the best method of reorganising the two groups of children.”

3 Oct 1939

Mr Parmee and Mr Waterman again visited the school with suggestions for the re-organisation, which will be carried out at the beginning of the coming week.

9 Oct 1939

“The working of the school was re-organised as from this morning. The evacuees have been absorbed and the whole redivided into two groups, according to age. The younger group (7, 8, some 9 year-olds) are being taught in the Village Hall by Miss Wood, a Barking teacher. Only five S. Marston children have been removed. The rest, (some 9, the 10 and 11 year-olds) are in the school, being taught by the Head Teacher.”

There followed numerous changes in the number of evacuees and the organisation of teaching over the next few years. The school day was amended to account for the continuation of British Summer Time throughout winter and school closed each October for the harvesting of potatoes. A programme of diptheria immunisations began in 1941, this being the first vaccine of the bacteriological age to be offered free to British children on a national scale. A hot dinner scheme was put in place in 1944, with meals being sent over from Wootton Bassett, but it was often beset with transportation problems.

A programme of diptheria immunisations began in 1941, this being the first vaccine of the bacteriological age to be offered free to British children on a national scale. A hot dinner scheme was put in place in 1944, with meals being sent over from Wootton Bassett, but it was often beset with transportation problems.

Finally, on 8 – 9 May 1945, “Victory in Europe Days. School closed following cessation of hostilities”.

Strangely, there was no mention of the evacuees returning home at any point in the logbook, only the return of desks and chairs that had been on loan from Northbury School, Barking.

Late in the decade, intelligence tests for 7, 9 and 10 year-olds, arranged by Swindon Education Authority were launched, followed by the school becoming recognised as having Controlled Status by the Board of Education in 1951.

It wasn’t until around this time that running water was installed. One wonders how the school managed up till then. Soon after, the lavatories were connected to the main water supply and a teachers’ lavatory was provided in 1953. These must have been big advancements at the time!

Past pupils may recall the partition in the main room (now the hall) creating two classrooms. It was fitted in 1955 due to a shortage of space and remained in place for many years. Two Alycan stoves were installed to heat the new spaces.

Report by HMI in 1956:

“…There are three small classrooms, two divided by a movable partition. The older children, 21 in number, are taught by the Head Mistress. The 7-8 group, 25 in all, have had many changes of teacher over the past 4 years, and are at present taught by their third teacher since September 1955. The Infants, 21 in all, are taught by a mistress, who like the Head Mistress, has given long and devoted service to the school…” “There is a close link between school and village. It is unfortunate there is no adequate space for folk dancing.”

“There is a close link between school and village. It is unfortunate there is no adequate space for folk dancing.”

Folk and country dancing appears to have been quite an important activity from this time forward, becoming regularly noted in the logbook and with festivals taking place in Swindon annually.

Gladys Baker resigned in 1960, after 26 years of service to South Marston School. It is sad that no photographs of her appear to be in existence.

1960 – 1974

On 1 September 1960 Sarah Diane Ellison commenced duties as head mistress of South Marston School and immediately a series of improvements began:

1961: Electric light was installed in the classrooms

1961: A staffroom, store and cloakroom were completed.

1961: The dividing wall between girls’ and boys’ playgrounds was removed and the entire area resurfaced. No more segregated playtime!

1963: The old gas fittings were removed.

1967: The school field was fenced.

1967: A further extension of cloakroom and toilets.

1967: The school also became the proud owner of a television set. Sadly, it was stolen during a break-in in 1971 but was quickly replaced.

1970: The old fuel stoves were finally removed, electric storage heaters installed and insulation added to the ceilings of the classrooms.

1971: A new mobile classroom was installed in the playground to accommodate the infants.

1974: The school was connected to mains sewerage

Children and staff alike must have been glad of the new facilities.

In addition to the popular country dancing festivals, the choir began to compete in the Wiltshire Music Festival. Another annual event was the carol service held at Wootton Bassett Church. Plays and concerts were performed in school with parents invited to attend. Harvest Festival was celebrated annually and the gifts of flowers, fruit and vegetables were auctioned or sold back to parents with the proceeds being sent to various charities.

School visits became more regular, with children enjoying trips to the Roman Baths at Bath, Bristol Zoo, Cheddar Caves, Bradford-upon-Avon and London by train, amongst many others. Swimming lessons at Highworth Baths were first recorded in 1968 and these were to continue weekly in the summer term. In 1969, the children were invited to look around “Raniket”, the house built by Alfred Williams, in connection with the Alfred Williams Festival. 

The logbook entry for 7 April 1973 records the school’s Centenary Celebrations - an exhibition of children’s work, folk and maypole dancing in the playground and then a further official Centenary Celebration on 25 June 1973 when parents and managers were invited to school for the presentation of Centenary mugs.

Sarah Ellison resigned in July 1974, having overseen an era of great change, both to school amenities and to enrichment activities for the children.

1975 - 1991

This entry from January 1975: “AH [teacher] and myself (Mr Emery) in cars together with three parents in theirs, took a group of twenty-three (!!!) children to St Peters Junior School, Marlborough for a football match against their 3rd team and some netball practice on their pitches. We lost 2-1 but everyone enjoyed themselves and the girls got on very well with the Marlborough children who were coaching them. A few tears when we left! Even the weather was wet!”

This entry from January 1975:

“Ann Hooke and myself (Mr Emery) in cars together with three parents in theirs, took a group of twenty-three (!!!) children to St Peters Junior School, Marlborough for a football match against their 3rd team and some netball practice on their pitches. We lost 2-1 but everyone enjoyed themselves and the girls got on very well with the Marlborough children who were coaching them. A few tears when we left! Even the weather was wet!”

Sports matches and events featured regularly, both home and away, much enjoyed by the children by all accounts. The logbook also records waterlogged pitches at South Marston from time to time. Something that remains a problem to this day.

Swimming lessons had been a school activity for some time, but suddenly they were taken to a whole new level when, in 1978, the school won the first of a number of national awards:

14 December 1978

 “The Mayor presented a swimming prize, our school having come first in a national swimming contest, sponsored by a large company (Coca Cola) – we won out of 48,000 children! The school was packed with people. Ended at 10.30pm.”

17 December 1979

Children won the Area Championship in swimming under the Dolphin Trophy scheme.

19 November 1980

Children went to Crystal Palace for presentation of the trophy for the Dolphin National Swimming Award.

3 March 1982

“School closed so we could visit the Crystal Palace as National Winners of the Dolphin Trophy Swimming Award…we had a good day and the children were presented their trophy by television personality Keith Chegwin.”

29 November 1982

“A gala day for the school. Mr Neil MacFarlane, Minister for Sport came to present our swimming awards. This was a very major occasion and we had most parents as well as the Area Education Office, Mr David Williamson, and representatives from Coca-Cola and the press, the school having “swept the board” in the national competition. This year we felt very proud of ourselves. We are unlikely to repeat it!”

3 February 1983

“After a very quiet January, we begin February with an exciting trip to Crystal Palace for the official trophy presentations for the Dolphin Trophy. It was very similar to last year except that this time it was RN who was sick (twice!)”

The first meeting of the newly formed parents’ association “The Friends of South Marston School” took place in January 1982. Mr Emery noted “It is hoped this more formal association will improve still further the involvement of the parents with the school and with the village itself…”

On 19 July 1985 the school year ended and Malcolm Emery recorded his last entry in the logbook “Today is my final day at South Marston School after over ten years. I shall miss this school very much, but I wish my successor, Mr Steve Bicknell, as much happiness as I have had and best wishes in his new post.”

As with all previous head teachers, Steve Bicknell divided his time between teaching and his duties as head. There were 3 classes in 1985, one with the youngest pupils and the other two with a mix of three year groups. It must have been quite a challenge. The number on roll was 53, with 19 children in the top class, 16 in middle class and 18 in reception/middle. Mr Bicknell took the top class.

The children’s success in swimming continued and the following entries were recorded:

6 March 1986

“Presentation of the Dolphin Award Trophy at the school. Officials from the ESSA, The Dolphin Trophy, Coca Cola (sponsors), W.C.C., local press and radio were all present. Colin Gordon and Colin Calderwood from Swindon Town FC presented the trophy. We all then went to the Link Centre and had a swim followed by lunch. Extremely successful day. The children enjoyed themselves and were able to demonstrate their musical prowess in the morning by singing “Learn to Swim” – a song composed by the children and Mrs M [music teacher] especially for the occasion.” Teacher Mrs H was credited with enabling the children to reach such a high standard.

12 February 1988

“School closed whilst the teaching staff accompanied by myself [Mr Bicknell] and my twenty 2nd, 3rd and 4th year juniors went to London for the launch of the new Dolphin Swimming Trophy “Learn to Swim” scheme. We had been invited to sing our composition “Learn to Swim” in the presence of Colin Moyniham MP, Minister of Sport and the BBC Newsround cameras. We were also filmed swimming at the Chelsea Sports Centre and later returned to the Dolphin Brasserie for a superb lunch. We even had time to visit The Tate before returning home. A film of us singing and swimming appeared on Newsround at 5pm that day. A famous and unforgettable day!”

It may seem strange today, but the children did not wear school uniform at that time, other than a school t-shirt. At a meeting in May 1986, the t-shirt was voted out and it was agreed that parents would dress their children in any combination of grey and blue. In 1987 sweatshirts with the school logo (appropriately, dolphins around the school name) were adopted, followed by new t-shirts in 1988.

Discussions regarding the lack of space started immediately after Mr Bicknell’s appointment and a second mobile classroom was finally installed behind the toilet block in summer 1987.

Mr Bicknell resigned as head teacher in Summer 1988 to take up a post as an advisory head teacher and Mr Dan Sinclair took over a headteacher of South Marston School.

(Right) Mrs Metcalfe with the school choir at the Devizes Music Festival 1989

With Mr Sinclair’s headship came the era of big drama productions, starting with “Oliver!” in over 3 nights in Spring 1989. 

The logbook records:

The logbook records:

““Oliver!” performances 7pm – 9.15. Played to packed houses to enthusiastic support.

The full realisation of the enormity of the task we had taken on only gradually dawned on everyone! I have produced such shows many times so I, at least knew something of what to expect – I think!

Every child in the school was in the cast with the major parts going to the older children. Two adults appeared as Fagin and Mr Bumble – both put in a tremendous amount of time and effort and were excellent. Teachers coordinated and directed operations on props and costumes with great enthusiasm and dedication.

All the parents were involved in supplying their own child with much of their costumes.

Together with parents we built a folding unit stage system (materials supplied by Crosby Doors) and set (materials supplied by parents).

We put up full theatre lighting, operated by a parent.

G [teacher] rehearsed and trained the whole school regarding singing.

We rehearsed after school 3 times a week with the principals until 2 weeks before the show when we involved all the children in and after school time.

The leads had enormous parts to learn and lots of singing to do and the outcome was truly amazing.

Olivers (MW, AJ) Dodgers (AF, JB) Sykes (MS) and Nancy (MC) stand out exceptionally, but everyone had fears to conquer, hurdles to clear and self-discipline to learn. They all grew visibly as the term wore on.

In the end we played to a total audience of over 250 who were fulsome in their praise.

Financially, we priced programmes at £2 (designed and word processed by the children) and broke even in the whole event.

During performances teams of parents did make-up, marshalled back stage and supervised those waiting.

It was a tremendous effort on everyone’s part and everyone can be justifiably proud of what we achieved.”

1975 - 1991 Gallery

1991 – 2007

Ray Norman took over as headteacher in Autumn 1991 with 75 children on roll in three classes.

Immediately discussions began with regard to extending the school but a visit from the Chief Education Officer was disheartening. Mr Norman logged, “Sympathetic words but no money available to extend the space in the school. We are ‘no worse off than similar size schools’. He doesn’t have to work here!” However, in early 1993 it became evident that something had to be done when the hut at the front of the school had to be closed due to problems with its supports, and work on a substantial extension started in July 1993. The hut at the rear of the school was removed and the children’s education transferred to a double decker bus loaned by Telford Travel, to everyone’s great delight. There followed an article about it on the front page of the Evening Advertiser, swiftly followed by an appearance on Central TV on the last day of term. Work on the new buildings took place during the summer break. The logbook entry on 6 September 1993 records “the results are superb – we have three new rooms, a proper cloakroom and a staff room! We are all very pleased with the results.” 


Local Management of Schools (LMS) was introduced in 1990, allowing boards of governors and school principals the autonomy to make decisions on resource allocation and priorities. South Marston School gained this in April 1993 and it was greeted with a cautious welcome, albeit knowing it would entail more work in-house.

The children began participating in regular tree planting sessions at Nightingale Farm, later to be renamed Nightingale Woods, from 1994. These were to continue for a number of years, with the school having its own area to plant for the future.

The logbook registers the school’s first Ofsted inspection in June 1998, just three days after an RE inspection.  The inspectors were on-site for three days, in the midst of the school’s 125th anniversary. Festivities had to be deferred to the end of term when the school celebrated by having an old-time music hall concert and a barbecue.

By 1999, there were 99 children on roll in three classes and space had once more become a pressing issue. The logbook noted the school was “more than crowded” but the LEA would not grant another classroom. This escalated beyond anyone’s imagination in the summer when a tent was loaned by the South Marston Recreation Committee to provide shaded outside activities. The Evening Advertiser ran an article which was soon picked up by the national newspapers and Central TV. The story became exaggerated, suggesting the tent was being used as a classroom, and finally led to even being mentioned in Parliament by the then Spokesperson for Education, Theresa May. Mr Norman had been away for a few weeks whilst this was happening and lamented that he’d missed all the fun! The school finally became a four-class school in September 1999 but, without room elsewhere, the hall had to become a classroom once again.

Ray Norman penned his last entry in the logbook in July 2000, as he left to become headteacher at Lethbridge Primary School:

“So this is my last entry, over nine years South Marston has possibly had its greatest period of change. The school has grown to around 100. There are now 4 classes, the school runs its own budget. It was always a good school but I feel I leave the school in better shape than I found it. By a number of indicators, it is a very good school: Ofsted, Basic Skills Chartermark, the best SATs results in the area, superb staff (everyone), a tremendous governing body, supportive parents, super children. Time to leave. I wish my successor Gill all the very best. I have every confidence that she will continue the good work – in her own way. I am very proud of South Marston, the future begins now…”


“So this is my last entry, over nine years South Marston has possibly had its greatest period of change. The school has grown to around 100. There are now 4 classes, the school runs its own budget. It was always a good school but I feel I leave the school in better shape than I found it. By a number of indicators, it is a very good school: Ofsted, Chartermark, the best SATs results in the area, superb staff (everyone), a tremendous governing body, supportive parents, super children. Time to leave. I wish my successor Gill all the very best. I have every confidence that she will continue the good work – in her own way. I am very proud of South Marston, the future begins now…”

Gill Lewellyn became Acting Head in Autumn Term 2000, the position becoming permanent at Easter 2001.

Other improvements during this period included a new headteacher’s office. The head’s office was the small room off the school office (now reconfigured as the reception area) but a new, larger space was provided in 2003, and was much appreciated by Mrs Llewellyn. It remained the Head’s office until about 2018. As at 2022, it is used as an additional learning room.

Mrs Llewellyn (3rd from right) and staff on Red Nose Day 2001 

A new pond was opened in 2004 beside the mound, being maintained by Year 6 children under the expert guidance of village resident, Mary Case. It remained in place until 2021, finally being filled in due to the cost of maintaining it.

In 2007, the whole school was involved with the GW Forestry Commission funded Woodland Art Sculpture Project for the newly planted Oxleaze Wood. The children worked with artist Andy Frost to create numerous small artworks and totem poles plus a wonderful, imposing sculpture of a ‘Carecrow’, several feet high, at the entrance of the wood. Everyone was immensely proud of the work and a picnic was held at the foot of the sculpture just before the end of Summer Term 2007. It was with great sadness to the whole school and village community that the sculpture was destroyed by fire in 2008 leaving only photographs of the original work to remember it by. 

On 20th July 2007, the village was flooded following days of rain. The school term had not yet ended and it became clear by early afternoon that the children needed to go home due to another severe rainstorm. Village roads soon became impassable and several village homes were flooded. Water flooded into school, affecting the office, reception corridor and the kitchen off the hall. Staff worked until late into the evening, throughout the weekend and into the following Monday to minimise the damage and to make the school accessible for pupils to return on the 24th. The children returned for their last day of the academic year on a positive note, performing the end-of-term Abba concert that had been planned for the day before. And, as Mrs Llewellyn noted, the sun shone!

During her tenure, the school achieved and retained numerous awards, including Basic Skills Quality Mark (1, 2 and 3), Investors in People, an Excellence Award from DfE which included a cash award shared amongst staff, and Healthy School Awards. A further Ofsted inspection in January 2004 resulted in another good rating for the school.

Mrs Llewellyn retired in December 2007 having been at the school for 14 years, seven of them as headteacher. Her last entry in the logbook mentioned the great team she worked with, and how she would miss the people – parents, governors, children, as well as staff. She added “I feel [the school] has developed and progressed, I am very proud of the achievement of the pupils, and of the ethos of care and mutual support.”

Mrs Llewellyn upon a return visit to the village in 2018 with her retirement gift from the children

2008- 2012

Mrs Alison Lowe had previously been a numeracy adviser for Swindon Borough Council and was enthusiastic in taking up her first headship in January 2008. Much changed in the early days, including a more-topic based approach to the children’s education. Many technical improvements took place in the school office over the period.

Hot school meals had ended a few years prior to Mrs Lowe’s appointment, moving to a packed lunch only arrangement. The government set about a review to the provision of school meals as part of a drive to improve the nation’s health, and announced new standards for school lunches to be implemented over a number of years. This necessitated another expansion to the school in 2009 to include a fully-functioning kitchen and dining room, It also included a new staff room, office improvements and a meeting room. Hot meals cooked on-site were reintroduced in November 2010. 

2011 saw the official opening of St Julians Woodland and a metal bench and mosaic were unveiled. The children had helped to design the mosaic with artist Anita Andrews. The same year, the children helped design a sculpture for the front of the school. It was installed in January 2012 by the artist Diccon Dadey on the grass by the red door.  

Christmas 2012, like many others over the years, was a special time at South Marston Primary School. Festivities started early that year with a staff trip to Bath Pump Rooms for afternoon champagne tea and a walk around the Christmas Market to mark Mrs Lowe’s leaving at the end of the term. The school nativities were a great success and were followed soon after by Christmas Dinner Day with the whole school eating dinner in the hall with party hats and Christmas music. There was a pantomime at The Mercure Hotel, funded by The Harris Trust, and a carol service in church where everyone said their goodbyes to Mrs Lowe.  

Mrs Lowe recorded these words in the logbook: “It is now my final entry into the log book. I have had a wonderful time at South Marston, we have made many changes and I am so very proud of our achievements. The children and staff have been amazing people to work alongside and lead. The parents and governors have supported me every step of the way. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to start my headship career. South Marston C of E Primary is a very special place and I shall miss it tremendously.” 

2013 -2020

Luke Maddison took over the headship in 2013, having previously been acting head at Lacock School.

An Ofsted inspection was conducted just weeks after his arrival and the school received a ‘good’ rating. He said at the time, “Being in post for just over five weeks when we were inspected gives me a great starting point for leading the school forward and identifies very clearly what we need to do to improve.” Another inspection took place in 2019, when the school celebrated another ‘good’ grading.

Mr Maddison will be remembered for taking the school from Local Authority to Academy status when, in 2016, it joined the Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust. 

Throughout Mrs Lowe’s and Mr Maddison’s time at the school there were many detailed meetings, consultations and plans regarding the expansion of the village and school. As at January 2022, discussions are ongoing for an expanded school and we await the next instalment!

Luke Maddison left South Marston at Easter 2020 to take up a permanent headship at Sutton Benger. He had been sharing his working week between the two schools for some time prior to his appointment. Marie Hendry, the deputy headteacher, was appointed Head of School and her position as Headteacher was confirmed later the same year. 

2020 to date

In March/April 2020, the same time as Mrs Hendry became Head, the Coronavirus pandemic struck, and hers was a baptism of fire, as the school closed for the first of the country’s lockdowns.

Much work was going on at home by the headteacher, the teachers and admin staff, handling the massive changes that had occurred in such a short period of time and planning for the return to school. Home schooling was put into place with teachers and teaching assistants working incredibly hard to provide lessons and support online and to keep in touch with the children. Fortunately, the school’s laptops had only recently been replaced, so the old laptops were provided for children who needed them. When the school reopened, it was for children in certain categories only, later opening to all with class ‘bubbles’ in place to protect children and staff as far as possible.

A further lockdown closed the school to most pupils between January and March 2021, when only children of key workers and those in a few other groups attended. After that, the pandemic continued to challenge with numerous adjustments required, sometimes at a moment’s notice, to manage the risks to children and staff.

In late 2021, elements of the office function were centralised and, over the course of the academic year, were honed by office staff and the Trust with the intention of establishing a smoother and more efficient organisation throughout the schools within Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust.

Having come so far and seen so many changes and improvements, we are now beginning to plan the school’s 150th anniversary in June 2023. We’re all looking forward to the celebrations ahead!


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  • Old Vicarage Lane
    South Marston, Swindon
    SN3 4SH