School Times

The School Day

At South Marston Primary, we provide a total of 32.5 hours of education in each week (as per statutory Government guidelines). 

Each day, the playground gate opens at 8:40am. We ask to encourage independence, that children in years 1-6 walk into school unaccompanied. Pre-School and Reception children need to use the gate by the EYFS building. 

The playground gate closes at 8:50am and any children arriving after this time should enter the school via the office. The register will be taken at 8:50. Children arriving after this time will be marked 'late'. Please see the attendance and punctuality section of our school website for more details.

Please note the gates will never be opened before 8.40am and there are no members of staff available to supervise your child before this time. We therefore ask you not to send your child to school before 8:40am, or to leave them unsupervised in the school grounds at any time.

Break time for all children is 10:15 - 10:30

Lunch time for all children is 12:00 - 1:00

The school day finishes at 3:15pm. Any children who have not been collected by 3:25pm, when the playground gate is closed, will be placed in our After School Club provision. We understand that sometimes parents/carers may be late collecting children. However, if this becomes a common occurance, this may result in being charged.

Teachers are always available at the end of the day for an informal chat or to make an appointment for a specific meeting.



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Happy to answer any questions


  • Old Vicarage Lane
    South Marston, Swindon
    SN3 4SH