Children's Roles

At South Marston, we believe children should play an active role, take on responsibilities, promote citizenship and engage with their school community. This prepares children for life in the wider world. Throughout our school, many children take on school roles and responsibilities. 

Our School Council

Our school council reguarly meet with the school's Leadership Team to discuss upcoming projects, gather pupil voice, feedback and support with school events.

Our School Librarians 

Our school librarians take on the role of keeping our school library tidy and well organised. 

Our Worship Council

Our worship council support during our collective worship/assembly sessions. Some of the roles they take on include: setting up the hall for collective worship, supporting leading singing practice and reading the reflection/prayer. 

Our House Captains

Our house captains play an important role within our school. These children support with PE and sports events across the school, including helping prepare for sports day, helping in PE lessons, attendance at sporting events and acting as a young/play leader. 

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Old Vicarage Lane
    South Marston, Swindon
    SN3 4SH