Top tips to being on time:
Top Tips for being on Time:
- Establish good bedtime routines so your child has enough sleep and doesn't struggle to get out of bed in the morning.
- Make sure your child has breakfast. Alternatively, bring them to our school Breakfast Club - A healthy start to the day with lots of fun activities! Breakfast Club opens daily at 8am. and costs £4 per day.
- Prepare lunches and snacks the night before.
- Put out uniform and pack school bags the night before, you don't want to be searching for books, bags or PE kit in the morning!
- Leave bags, coats and shoes by the front door and put your keys somewhere easy to find.
If your child arrives after 8.50am, when the registers close, your child’s late arrival will count towards their overall absence rate.
It is really important that you pick your children up from school on time. Children who are not picked up on time are often upset and worried.
We understand that sometimes unavoidable events may make you late. If this is the case, please phone us to let us know as soon as possible.
If you are frequently unable to pick your child up on time you will need to arrange after school care. To book your child a place at our after school club please contact the school office by email