Year 3 & 4
Welcome to Year 3 & 4's page. We are known as Silver Birch Tree Class.
For subject specific details, outcomes and sequences of learning, please visit the relevant subject page on the ‘Our Curriculum’ page.
Welcome to Year 3 & 4's page. We are known as Silver Birch Tree Class.
For subject specific details, outcomes and sequences of learning, please visit the relevant subject page on the ‘Our Curriculum’ page.
Mrs Hendry (Mondays) & Mrs Richardson (Tuesday - Friday) – Class Teachers
Mrs Rawlins – Teaching Assistant
Year 4 Multiplication Check
From the 2021/22 academic year onwards, schools in England will be required to administer an online multiplication tables check (MTC) to year 4 pupils. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. To support the children with their multiplication practice we use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ and ‘Hit The Button’ as an online and fun learning platform which also offer resources to be used in the classroom. For further information about this, please see the Mathematics page on the 'Our Curriculum' page of the school website.
Your child is able to practice their times tables, using the format and layout of the real multiplication check using these websites:
Office Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4:00pm
Head Teacher: Mrs Marie Hendry
Assistant Head Teacher: Mr Mason Conlan
School Administrators: Mrs Jayne Smith & Miss Nicole Townsend
Chair of the Governors: Mrs Alison Robb-Webb (contact the school office for details)
Visiting SENCO: Miss Sarah Baker
The Blue Kite Academy Trust
c/o Ferndale Primary and Nursery School
Wiltshire Avenue, Swindon
Wiltshire, SN2 1NX
Copyright South Marston Church of England Primary School © 2025
Website by Warp Design & Thinking Creative